First, I called them because I always end up running around the pasture only to find them chillin in the barn. Nobody came up to see me except the old arthritic Cody. I thought, "Well, if Cody's happy to see me, I'm happy to see Cody" and gave the old boy a good grooming and grazing.
During which the brown faces appeared and made moony eyes at me for ignoring them. Serves them right. I released Cody to go roll in muck and un-pretty himself, find more stickiburrs and etc for his mane, and snagged Dante. Dante, of course, behaved very well. No problems grooming and even tacking wasn't bad. He hated the saddle as always, but once I get that first buckle on it's not so bad.
We went and worked near friends. Having been away, I didn't see just how bad his feet got, so he was a bit trippy if cantering downhill, which sent him into a frustrated worrisome buck. So I did my best to get him to trot down the very slight hill instead. I'll get a video up soon. I took one.
I still think he needs to develop his canter like he did his trot. It's just been a while and he's out of shape for it. We'll add that to the list of things to work on. Afterwards, I hopped on and we rode up and down the drive, which was apparently within the limits now. Better, but not exactly down the road better.
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